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  • Writer's pictureJordan Round

Where is God in this Pandemic?

Rather bashfully, welcome to my first blog of 2020, the changes have been made to the page so we’re all up to date again!

So the big news and huge situation at the moment is COVID-19, Corona Virus.

There is a lot of talk everywhere about it at the moment, the news, social media, conversations cannot go a few sentences without mention of self-isolation or the lockdown. I thought last week that a pandemic like this has risen in front of our eyes and is the focal point of the whole world. I realised that it may have even overshadowed the one who is in control of everything.

My church, Plymouth Christian Centre ( have been live streaming services for 2 weeks now because we cannot meet together on a Sunday at the moment – which in itself is incredible, technology that allows us to do that is surely so timely and what an age we live in.

During the teaching of some bible passages this morning, our pastor, Geoff, spoke about peace and prosperity, and trying not to rip off half of his message I’d like to share some thoughts with you all.

1. Peace

When you think of peace what does that mean to you?

Quiet? Rest? Relaxation?

I believe that true peace does not hang on current situations or even emotional feelings. It’s rather a calmness of body, mind and spirit that one cannot try to understand. This kind of peace only comes from one place, and that is from God.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 NIV

We don’t have a word for this kind of peace in English but in Hebrew, the word is Shalom.

The best part of peace is that it is available to all, we only have to ask for it! As I mentioned before, this kind of peace does not rely on you having things all in order, you don’t need to have your life on track, you don’t have to be in a state of perfect mental health or even feel like you’re in control of anything in your life!

This peace is a deep knowing that everything is okay, it is comfort knowing that you are loved, you are wonderfully made in the image of God and that God is your rock when there seems to be a storm going on around us.

In current times some of the things that we hold on to as the norm, our grounding activity like our jobs, our hobbies, the parks that we walk in, our family and friends; all these things seem to have been taken away from us temporarily but God is unchanged, God is still with us, and for us. God walks in front of us, behind us and beside us at all times, protecting us from anything that might want to harm us. Being in that place with God will bring you peace – not quiet, stillness, relaxation or rest necessarily – but knowledge and comfort in knowing that God is there and he takes care of us. A pastor Tim Keller said,

“Christian peace is not the absence of troubles. It is a peace that is unshakeable even in the midst of troubles.”

2. Prosperity

Prosperity is another word that has meaning outside of the primary use. Eugene Peterson wrote,

“It is the relaxed stance of one who knows that everything is alright because God is over us. That is true prosperity. Everything else can crumble and be lost in a moment.”

Many people will be having worries about their finances at this time – even after the government announced incredibly that small businesses and those who are self-employed would receive grants where they could not work so that businesses did not collapse – there are still concerns about where our ‘prosperity’ comes from.

Yes, money is a central feature in our modern lives, we buy food, shelter, clothing and security with money, but those things do not truly come from money. Money, the skills that you use to earn money, and the things that you buy with money are all gifts from God.

Try thinking about the concept that we are just stewards, we just look after what God has given us whilst we are here, and then we use those gifts to show our thanks and gratitude; to help others, especially those who need most help. We cannot take money, houses, clothes, ‘things’ with us when we die, but the prosperity of God does not leave us, it is always with us and can never be taken away.

When we have faith in God and commit to Him, we have gained everything, God tells us that we have inherited the Whole Earth when we look to Him for our guide. There is so much more to life than money. Wealth is found in relationship, in helping others, in richness of spirit and in wisdom and mercy. Those are the things that I want from life, not money.

What money I earn I want to use to help others, by using my possessions to bless others and to help other people when they are in need. I thank God for my skills, my job, my situation and having been born into a country and society where very few people want for anything. It strikes me however that some of the happiest and richest people in spirit that I have ever met, have also been among the poorest financially.

With that being said, Peace and Prosperity are so important at this strange time. If you are worrying, tired, anxious, angry, feeling lost or unstable, feeling like all that you hold as an anchor and foundation is falling away and you’re looking for something to ground you – I suggest that asking God for Peace and Prosperity should be the first thing you look to, I guarantee that He will not let you down.

Blessed, comforted and honoured are those who are worrying or feel anxious in their spirit, the Kingdom of God belongs to them.Matthew 5:3, My own interpretation.

PCC YouTube channel where you'll find online services. Live streams are currently airing at 10.30am on Sunday mornings.

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